WordPress Update Service

WordPress Security Updates

Updates for WordPress

In the meantime, a large number of websites run on the modular WordPress system. Understandable; because WordPress offers web hosting customers countless possibilities. As the system is being used more and more and is growing in popularity, more and more updates and extensions for WordPress are also being released.

As an experienced hosting provider, we take care of exactly that in the course of our WordPress update service. With this, we guarantee you a lasting reliability, secure and clean use of WordPress for your web project. Not only WordPress itself, but also the developers of the individual plugins and themes are constantly working on new versions of the software.

In order for you to be able to use them and benefit from the new functions, we keep them up to date with our WordPress Update Service. However, this means that you not only always get the latest functions and extensions, but also maximum security. As new updates often close old security gaps.

Most WordPress users use at least a double-digit number of plugins, often even more than 25. Due to the large number of new updates for these plugins, it is therefore often not easy for you as a user to keep track of them. For this reason, we take the work off your hands with our WordPress Update Service.

Based on our many years of experience in web hosting, we always know what is important. So never worry again about not getting the latest updates and downloading them in time. We take care of all this for you, ensuring maximum functionality, security and the optimal WordPress user experience for your web project.


WordPress Update Service

Up to date without worries

49,00 CHF

Monthly plus VAT.

The update package includes the updates Mini (x.x.1) and Minor (x.1.x).

Before and after each update we carry out backups and testing.

All prices incl. VAT, 12 months minimum term

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