

Do you want to run your own phone system (physical or virtual) or a voip 365 virtual pbx?

Do you want to run your own phone system (physical or virtual) or a voip 365 virtual pbx?

Choose the right tariff model:

Select your desired region:

Select desired connection:

Select the number of call channels for outgoing calls (incoming calls are unlimited):




incl. 0 min


incl. 0 min

Select the appropriate subscription properties:

Select the desired minimum contract period:

Do you need new numbers from novinet or do you want to port your existing numbers to novinet?

Number of individual numbers:

Number of blocks of 10:

Number of blocks of 100:

Number of individual foreign numbers:

Ausland 1:

Ausland 2:

Ausland 3:

Ausland 4:

Ausland 5:

Ausland 6:

Ausland 7:

Ausland 8:

Ausland 9:

Do you know how many lines the numbers to be ported are divided among?

Analog connections

ISDN connection with MSN numbers

ISDN connection with DDI telephone numbers

Do you want to connect your Microsoft Teams Phone Box?

Number MS Teams Numbers:

Do you need one or more of the following options:

1. VoiceMail

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

2. Softphones

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

3. Virtual Office

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

4. IVR

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

5. Fax to Mail

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

6. Mail to Fax

Beschreibung vom Produkt kann hier eingetragen werden

Solution tailored for you:

Your optimal tariff:

Your suitable VoIP solution:

Cost overview:

Tariff quantity one time monthly
Minimum contract periode:Year - Channels - min. landline incl. - min. mobile incl.
Phone numbers ()
Individual phone number
Number of blocks of 10
Number of blocks of 100
Individual foreign phone number (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat) (CHF/Monat)
Porting fees
Connection type analogue
Connection typeISDN (MSN)
Connection typeISDN (DDI)
Connection type unknown offen offen
Extras & Options
SIP-Trunk 1
Microsoft Teams
Virtual Office
Fax to Mail
Mail to Fax
All prices plus VAT

Share your results with us and we will provide you with a non-binding offer. Tailored to your individual needs.Special rates available for large customers.

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